Geri White

Hello, I'm Geri, a seasoned food and drinks writer with over 4.5 years of experience in the field. When you read my work, you can trust that you'll receive accurate and reliable information on all things related to non-dairy milk.

Glass of almond milk - Debating estrogen presence in almond milk for health concerns.

Does Almond Milk Have Estrogen? A Well-Explained Guide

Almond milk has become a staple in numerous families, loved for its velvety texture, and promoted as a solid option in contrast to dairy. Consumers have a growing concern about whether almond milk contains estrogen. This concern has sparked discussions about its health implications and potential effects on health. This complete guide will delve into …

Does Almond Milk Have Estrogen? A Well-Explained Guide Read More »

a picture of almond milk showing taste profile.

What Does Almond Milk Taste Like? – A Detailed Blog

When someone enjoys something, it could be because of its taste, health benefits, or personal preferences. When discussing almond milk, various factors come into play, such as its relationship to health, taste, advantages, disadvantages, and more. Beyond its production process, this blog will look into a detailed discussion. We will explore the taste profile of …

What Does Almond Milk Taste Like? – A Detailed Blog Read More »

Drink Almond Milk

Why You Should and Shouldn’t Drink Almond Milk?

Exploring the world of dairy alternatives, almond milk stands as a prominent contender, celebrated for its nutty flavor and purported health benefits. The fervor surrounding this plant-based milk brings forth a dichotomy. One side advocates embracing almond milk as a nutritional powerhouse. Conversely, it prompts questions about aspects that might warrant caution or restraint in …

Why You Should and Shouldn’t Drink Almond Milk? Read More »

Pudding with Almond Milk

Can You Make Pudding with Almond Milk? – Recipes and Methods

Many are familiar with almond milk, its creation process, gluten-free nature, and various attributes. Most people enjoy its taste and use it in different recipes, particularly in making puddings. The most common way of making almond milk includes splashing almonds, mixing them with water, and then stressing the combination to remove the fluid. Its smooth …

Can You Make Pudding with Almond Milk? – Recipes and Methods Read More »

an image show Rice Pudding with Condensed Milk.

Delicious Rice Pudding with Condensed Milk: A Tasty Twist

Rice milk stands out as a beloved and highly recommended dessert in the realm of non-dairy milk options. Its widespread appeal is attributed to its delicious taste, drawing admiration from many individuals. Additionally, some may opt for it based on specific recommendations or dietary preferences. This classic dish takes on a whole new level of …

Delicious Rice Pudding with Condensed Milk: A Tasty Twist Read More »

An image show the level of pH of Almond Milk

Understanding the pH of Almond Milk: Is it Alkaline or Acidic?

In the world of milk choices, almond milk stands out for its exceptional taste and potential medical advantages. One frequently raised question about almond milk revolves around its pH nature—is it acidic or soluble? Understanding pH Consider pH like a scale that measures how things taste—whether they’re sharp, not really delectable, or even somewhat sweet. …

Understanding the pH of Almond Milk: Is it Alkaline or Acidic? Read More »

An image show that Coconut Milk Go Bad

Does Coconut Milk Go Bad? – A Must-Read Guide

Did you know that coconut milk is one of the most widely used drinks globally? Its popularity stems from its ingredients, benefits, and, notably, its dairy-free nature. Many individuals opt for coconut milk due to medical concerns associated with traditional dairy. Others simply prefer its taste. However, a common inquiry pertains to the shelf life …

Does Coconut Milk Go Bad? – A Must-Read Guide Read More »